Jeffrey Halvorson, B.A., BOCO

Durable Medical Equipment
Specialty Clinic
Jeff attended Concordia College and graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology. Jeff continued on to Northwestern University in Chicago and received his advanced diploma in prosthetics in 1985. In 2012 Jeff continued his education in orthotics and received his orthotics degree as BOC, certified orthotist. Jeff is a certified fitter of sole supports. Jeff is SWASH certified, has training in Developmental biomechanics, prosthetic training, pedorthic management of the foot, Lower extremity biomechanics of the neurologically involved and biomechanics and concepts of bracing and external support devices. Jeff is is an outreach provider from Northern Orthotic and Prosthetic Center and available in the Bigfork Valley Specialty Clinic West by appointment.  Call 1-866-710-6017.